



TagiPhone & iPod touch, 遊戲, 應用程式, iTunes, App Store, 廣告, 聖誕節, 禮物


Apple又推出新廣告囉!這一次的廣告內容是為即將到來的聖誕節所設計^___^ 非常有創意的用12個應用程式串連成聖誕節倒數12天前的每一天:


On the twelfth day of Christmas my iPhone gave to me:

12 cookies cooking
11 cards a sending
10 gifts for giving
9 songs for singing
8 bells for ringing
7 slops for skiing
6 games for playing
5 gold rings
4 hot lattes
3 flights home
2 feet of snow
And an app that can light up the tree






2009.12.29 補充說明各程式名稱:

12 cookies cooking:
The Betty Crocker Mobile Cookbook (free, iTunes link)
11 cards a sending:
Postman ($2.99, iTunes link)
10 gifts for giving:
My Christmas Gift List ($0.99, iTunes link)
9 songs for singing:
TabToolkit ($9.99, iTunes link)
8 bells for ringing:
Holiday Bells ($0.99, iTunes link)
7 slopes a skiing:
Snow Reports ($1.99, iTunes link)
6 games for playing:
Christmas Fever ($0.99, iTunes link)
5 gold rings:
Anna Sheffield Jewelry (free, iTunes link)
4 hot lattes:
myStarbucks (free, iTunes link)
3 flights home:
Kayak Hotel and Flight Search (free, iTunes link)
2 feet of snow:
Weather Pro ($3.99, iTunes link)
And an app that can light up the tree:
Schlage LiNK (free, iTunes link)



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    Fun I Phone 我的手機派對!

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